Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Update on Mizon Black Snail Cream

It's been almost a week, and I'm frustrated. A lot. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, or if Korean skin care routine is totally not for me. I know everyone's skin is different, but I only heard great things about Korean skin care products, I haven't seen one mention/review/blog that even said anything about Korean skin care not working for them. It's so weird O_O

At first, the snail cream helps moisturized my skin, but lately, it make my skin dried out in the morning, and the peeling and cracking skin has come back.

It's so tight, dry, and uncomfortable D:

I'm at a lost. What am I doing wrong? Why am I the only one the 10 steps routine not working for? @__@

It's not even winter anymore. It's already may, but Indiana's weather is pretty moist, with rain off and on, and I thought the moist air would help with my skin. It isn't. At all. I am at a lost what would help D:

I did more research, and found out that my dry skin is not just dry, it's dehydrated, according to Dermalogica, and it makes sense, as my face doesn't feel dry underneath, just on the surface. And gawd know my skin was oily enough to soak up napkins before it decided to throw a 4 months long tantrum.

I've also discovered that my kin had a problem with Woolite laundry detergents. My husband love the brand, and I love Dropps. Being in the military, the less you have, the easier it is when you move. Dropps was one of the things that started my conversion to the organic side, and it's easier to just toss a pack into the washer and be done with it rather that dealing with the messy liquid detergents (I'm uber lazy, the less I do, the better), so I had been using it for almost three years. Then I met my husband and he took over the laundry department.

The reaction took a long time to manifest, so I didn't think much of it, then my skin's quitting make me re-examined everything I was using, and the laundry detergent was one of the thing that created such a big fuss in my skin. I was at a point where my face was red as a tomato @____@ I've re-wash everything with my favorite detergent, and immediately my face stopped the redness overnight (who knew one of the culprit is my pillowcases washing?) This teaches me to stray from Dropps xD

Another culprit was the Vitamin E cream from Jason Naturals itself. Yeah, I gave it a great review, and it came back to bite me. My skin type was merely typical combo skin, after using this, it did moisturized my skin and make it better than the dry skin I had before, but it make my skin became dependent on oily products - to which I didn't realized until the time of my desperation (of last night and still). I had to dug up the half-used jar from the recycle bin and use it again (after cleaning the outside, of course). It helps my skin feels a little better, but it won't accept non-oil based products anymore. I'm pissed =/

Basically, short of changing my face to another one, I'm having to start back at square one, with even worse skin than I started. This is a lesson for my impatience @__@ What a shame, as I've bought a few more skin care products that I slathered on my face as an ineffective attempt at fixing it. I'm going to have to start at basic face wash, cetaphil-like moisturizer, and the unpetrolium jelly as needed. This is testing my patience xD I'm the type to jump all in, and this hinders me significantly. At least my pillowcase won't keep agitating my face anymore.

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